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NPTEL Leadership and Team Effectiveness Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

leadership and team effectiveness, NPTEL's Week 7 Assignment Answers for 2024 illuminate key strategies and insights essential for unlocking success. Let's delve into the core concepts and actionable steps outlined in this pivotal assignment.

Harnessing Leadership Dynamics

NPTEL Leadership and Team Effectiveness Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

Leadership serves as the cornerstone of organizational success. NPTEL's Week 7 Assignment delves deep into the intricacies of effective leadership dynamics. From fostering a collaborative environment to nurturing innovation, the assignment emphasizes the pivotal role of leadership in driving organizational growth.

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1. Who defined Team as, “A team is a small group of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose and set of specific performance goals.”


a) Katzenbach, J.R. and Smith

b) G. Moorhead

c) R.W. Griffin

d) W. Dyer


a) Katzenbach, J.R. and Smith


Katzenbach and Smith are renowned for their work on teams and leadership. Their definition emphasizes the complementary skills, common purpose, and specific performance goals that distinguish a team from a mere group. This definition underscores the importance of cohesion and shared objectives in team dynamics.

2. Where is survivor placed in Robert Kelly’s Five Followership Types?


a) In the middle

b) Top left

c) Top right

d) Bottom left


d) Bottom left


In Robert Kelly's model, survivors represent those who are passive and indifferent, lacking both proactive engagement and critical thinking. They're situated in the bottom left quadrant, indicating their low level of engagement and contribution to the organization.

3. According to Dr. Mica Endsley’s levels to develop situation awareness, the first level focuses on:


a) The ability to perceive the state of relevant elements in the environment.

b) A thorough analysis of all first-level elements.

c) The ability to understand the significance of elements in relation to one’s goal.

d) Projection of future actions using knowledge of elements in previous levels.


a) The ability to perceive the state of relevant elements in the environment.


Dr. Mica Endsley's model of situation awareness consists of three levels, with the first level emphasizing the fundamental ability to perceive and recognize the state of relevant elements in one's environment. This initial awareness lays the groundwork for subsequent analysis and decision-making.

4. According to the The Potter and Rosenbach Followership Model, ____________ work harder at impressing their boss than actually getting their work done.


a) Partners

b) Politicians

c) Subordinates

d) Contributors


b) Politicians


In the Potter and Rosenbach model, politicians are characterized by their focus on impressing their superiors rather than prioritizing the completion of their tasks. Their actions are often driven by a desire for recognition and advancement within the organization.

5. What is meant by Malicious Compliance?


a) Followers do no more than abide by the policies and procedures surrounding change requests.

b) Followers willingly engage in those activities needed to make the change request become reality.

c) Followers either ignore or actively sabotage change requests.

d) Followers embrace change requests as their own.


c) Followers either ignore or actively sabotage change requests.


Malicious compliance refers to the passive-aggressive behavior of followers who adhere to the letter of instructions or rules but do so in a way that disrupts or undermines the intended outcome. This can include ignoring requests or intentionally sabotaging them.

6. Aggressiveness is one of the seven primary characteristics that capture the essence of an organization’s culture.


a) True

b) False


b) False


While aggressiveness can certainly be a characteristic of organizational culture, it is not universally considered one of the primary characteristics. Organizational cultures can vary widely, and different models may identify different core characteristics.

7. According to Schein’s four key organizational culture factors, Rituals concern with the jargons or idiosyncratic terms of an organization.


a) True

b) False


b) False


Rituals, as defined by Schein, encompass the routines, ceremonies, and practices within an organization, rather than solely focusing on language or terminology. While language may be a part of rituals, they also extend to behaviors and actions that reflect the underlying values and norms of the culture.

8. According to Schein’s four key organizational culture factors; __________ are the objects that can be seen and noticed and describe various aspects of the culture.


a) Myths and Stories

b) Symbols and artifacts

c) Organizational Structure

d) Rituals


b) Symbols and artifacts


Symbols and artifacts are tangible manifestations of organizational culture that are visible and observable. They include things like logos, office layout, and dress code, which communicate important aspects of the organization's values and beliefs.

9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a group?


a) Compensation

b) Norms

c) Collective Identity

d) Roles


a) Compensation


Compensation refers to remuneration or rewards provided to individuals within a group or organization. While it may influence group dynamics, it is not inherently a characteristic of the group itself. Norms, collective identity, and roles are more directly related to the structure and functioning of the group.

10. Which of the following groups is also known as a task group?


a) Formal group

b) Command group

c) Committees

d) Informal groups


c) Committees


Task groups, also referred to as committees, are formed to accomplish specific objectives or tasks within an organization. Unlike informal groups, which may form spontaneously based on social connections, task groups are formally designated to achieve particular goals.

Effective leaders inspire and empower their teams to achieve greatness. By cultivating a culture of trust and open communication, leaders can harness the collective potential of their teams. NPTEL's assignment underscores the importance of visionary leadership in navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in today's competitive landscape.

Optimizing Team Performance

Team effectiveness lies at the heart of organizational productivity. NPTEL's Week 7 Assignment delves into the strategies for optimizing team performance and fostering a culture of excellence. From leveraging diverse skill sets to promoting synergy, the assignment provides actionable insights for maximizing team effectiveness.

Effective teams thrive on clear goals, open communication, and mutual respect. By cultivating a sense of belonging and shared purpose, organizations can unleash the full potential of their teams. NPTEL's assignment highlights the significance of collaboration and cohesion in achieving collective goals and driving sustainable growth.

Navigating Challenges with Resilience

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, resilience is key to overcoming challenges and driving progress. NPTEL's Week 7 Assignment explores the importance of resilience in leadership and team dynamics. From adapting to change to overcoming setbacks, the assignment offers practical strategies for building resilience and fostering a culture of perseverance.

Resilient leaders inspire confidence and stability in times of uncertainty. By cultivating a growth mindset and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, leaders can navigate adversity with grace and determination. NPTEL's assignment underscores the importance of resilience in driving organizational agility and long-term success.

Conclusion: Charting a Path to Success

In conclusion, NPTEL's Week 7 Assignment offers invaluable insights into leadership and team effectiveness in 2024. By harnessing the power of visionary leadership, optimizing team performance, and cultivating resilience, organizations can chart a path to sustainable success in today's competitive landscape. As we embrace the principles outlined in this assignment, we pave the way for a future defined by innovation, collaboration, and unparalleled achievement.

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